
Una mujer de 73 años con sobrepeso e hipertensión se transforma en gurú del fitness en Instagram


Domingo 11 de octubre de 2020

20 minutos

En sólo tres años, Joan MacDonald ha logrado perder más de 24 kilos y tonificar su cuerpo

Joan MacDonald, gurú del fitness a los 73 años. Foto: instagram

Domingo 11 de octubre de 2020

20 minutos

Después de un crisis matrimonial que derivó en una profunda depresión y otros problemas de salud, Joan MacDonald, una mujer canadiense de 73 años, decidió dar un giro a su vida, dándole al ejercicio la oportunidad de ayudarla a salir adelante. Tres años después, ha logrado perder más de 24 kilos y tonificar su cuerpo, convirtiéndose además una gurú del fitness en Instagram, donde es una auténtica influencer, con cerca de un millón de seguidores.

Joan MacDonald ha relatado en varias ocasiones a medios locales su historia y su motivación para convertirse en lo que hoy es: un matrimonio fallido que la dejó con una gran depresión además de problemas de salud físicos como artritis, hipertensión y niveles de colesterol por las nubes. Sin embargo, la mujer no se dejó vencer, y con ayuda de su hija, la entrenadora Michelle MacDonald comenzó a entrenar para cambiar su estilo de vida.



Let’s talk about gym style, something I never would have considered to be important even just two years ago... When I first started out on my transformation journey, I hated trying on clothes, and in fact most of my clothes barely fit me any more so I had just a few bottoms and tops to choose from. Baggy shorts and over-sized t-shirts in boring colors were my go-to. I didn’t love myself back then and that’s how I dressed myself. I used to think 1) I didn’t deserve beautiful clothes and 2) nothing nice would fit me anyway, especially at my age. It wasn’t until my daughter insisted that I buy some new workout clothes and took me shopping at @forever21 that I understood that that mindset wasn’t working for me. When I saw myself in flattering clothes in cute colors, I could see that my inner dialogue had to go. I actually had muscles! I actually had a good shape taking form! I felt so good inside to see that in those new clothes. ?Even though it might seem like something superficial like clothing can’t have a big impact on how we see ourselves it absolutely can my dears! If I can learn that lesson in my seventies you can too. Now you won’t catch me heading to the gym (or my living room as the case may be ?) without taking the time to chose a favorite outfit. My daughter tells her clients, “you have to invest the same love and compassion for yourself at the START of your transformation that would to your own daughter if she was in your shoes. You would encourage her, compliment her on her successes no matter how small, and you would treat her to some workout clothes that were flattering, wouldn’t you? So learn to do that for yourself, and replace that negative inner dialogue with a positive one”. Now I’m sharing this with you. ? Please don’t wait til you’re “perfect” to take pride in yourself. You have to already see your perfection, your effort and your courage today. Love yourself enough to change, and show yourself that love daily. On the right I’m wearing one of my favorite outfits by @womensbest . If you have any questions please ask below, and share your favorite gym-wear brands with each other! With Love Joan ? . #womenbest #womensbestwear

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el


"Tenía una salud muy, muy mala. Pesaba 90 kilos y el médico me dijo que debía medicarme aún más para tratar la tensión alta y la enfermedad renal que padecía", explica Joan. Su hija, preocupada por ella, le dio un ultimátum: o el gimnasio o el hospital. Michelle se convirtió en la instructora de su madre hasta conseguir que a sus 73 años haga ejercicios increíbles: "¡Mi madre es una bestia!", alucina.

"Cuando comencé nunca creí que llegaría hasta aquí. Yo sólo quería recuperar mi salud y dejar los medicamentos. Espero que todos sigan eligiendo crecer y atreverse a soñar otra vez", explica MacDonald, que ahora se dedica a compartir en Instagram y YouTube sus rutinas, fotografías y su día a día para tratar de motivar a otras personas.



My tips to help you get started: 1. Really take stock of the things you want to change . Be clear in your mind what habits you want to change. Write those things down. Make a clear list! 2. Write out another list of the new habits you want to master to create a new you. Be clear. Be simple. Changing your life isn’t as complicated as we make it out to be. To make big changes we need to create new daily habits. That’s it. End of story. Focus on the habits. ?? 3. Get a nutrition plan and an exercise plan that you can follow for the long term. Be careful of fad diets that eliminate major food groups. You want this to be sustainable. Anyone can lose 10 lbs for a couple of months. You will want to be one of the few that transform for the long haul. That’s where the real benefits start racking up! ?? 4. Have an attitude of gratitude for the small successes. The more you can focus on what you’re doing right, the more confident and energized you’ll be to keep on going. You can’t beat yourself over the finish line folks. You’ve got to learn to truly love yourself unconditionally and keep on encouraging ourselves to grow in the right direction. ❤️ . Happy Friday! Sounds out, I got my guns out! With love, Joan XO . . . . . #fitover70 #agingbackwards #oldladygains #biceps #girlswithmuscle #girlswholift #wellness #wisdom

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el


"Hay que tener en cuenta lo que se quiere cambiar, y tenerlo muy claro”, aconseja Joan, “Escribirlo ayuda. Se claro, se simple. Cambiar tu vida no es tan complicado como queremos hacernos creer. Para crear cambios significativos tenemos que crear nuevos hábitos diarios. Es así, fin de la historia. Hay que centrarse en los hábitos. No nos podemos rendir en la línea de meta. Tenemos que aprender a querernos de verdad y continuar animándonos a crecer en la dirección correcta", afirma.



Here you have it, 3.5 years of following a building-style lifestyle: 1) eating 5 meals a day with a 20-30 g serving of protein at each meal 2) training in the gym with heavy weights 5 x week 3) cardio as needed 4) getting 8 hours of sleep 5) drinking 3 liters of water daily 6) meditating 7) stretching ? If you want to learn more about how to eat and train like this, there are a lot of free articles at —> They have exercise programs for beginners, and the help explain how to eat and how to train to build muscle and lose fat. ? . My one recommendation is to create a simple plan for yourself that you can stick to daily, and spend some time visualizing yourself being successful. Creating self-belief and a positive image of yourself can really help bolster you up for the long journey ahead of you. I started out doubtful, but each week I made a collage like this and I could clearly see my progress. One day at a time, one meal at a time, I learned to take better care of myself. The end result is not only getting for, but it’s cultivating a loving, compassionate relationship with yourself based on trust. I hope this helps some of you get started ? With love Joan ? #transformation

Una publicación compartida de Joan MacDonald (@trainwithjoan) el

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